Turing Terminal, 2077 A.D. In Regex Machina, you’re an officer who must help inbound travelers reach their destinations. Your task is to process the travelers as either human or bot. To differentiate them, use regular expressions to match the human strings while avoiding the bot strings. But be advised, some of the bots are nearly…
Stringo is the latest coding game from Codepip. In Stringo, you meet an old-timer who uses letter tiles to teach you the ins-and-outs of JavaScript strings. As you level up, you’ll hone your skills and perhaps even gain a bit of gold. Stringo introduces the length property, and many powerful methods for manipulating strings like…
Announcing Codepip’s latest coding game, Console Caper! As Agent 00F, your mission is to plant debug commands in a set of files. Your actions will help The Agency spy what’s happening in the code and secure valuable secrets. To pull off this scheme you’ll use the JavaScript console available in the developer tools of your…
In Querymon, you’re mentored on the art of writing database queries. Use your newly-acquired skills to access the Querydex, a database of over 151 monsters. Before you know it, you’ll be selecting, sorting, and filtering data like a whiz. Level up and make the trek to the Artica Region, where Professor Moss will put you…
Codepip is shipping Intl Delivery, a game for learning JavaScript’s internationalization API Intl. You’ve just been hired to work the line for global retailer Alakazam. Your task is to intercept packages bound for countries all over the world and ensure their paperwork is properly translated for their destinations. As part of your training, you’ll learn…
CSS and JavaScript are constantly evolving, with new features baked into almost every browser update. Take the time to learn these features, be rewarded with fewer headaches and cleaner code. Here are some of the best new CSS and JS features you should be aware of. Spacing elements with the gap property To keep consistent…
Introducing Pathfinder, a game of constructing file paths. You must navigate the space rover to resources such as web pages, images, scripts, fonts, and more. You do this by creating and transmitting file paths to the rover. But beware: if you send the wrong path, you’ll take the rover off-course. Through Pathfinder’s levels, you’ll learn…
CSS Scoops is the newest coding game from Codepip. As ice cream sundaes slide across the counter, you must use CSS selectors to target everything from cones and cups to scoops of chocolate, mint, and lemon ice cream. You’ll learn how to compose CSS selectors, including element, class, and ID selectors; the universal selector *;…
Introducing Disarray, a new coding game from Codepip. In this game inspired by the visual novel genre, you play a cleaning consultant who’s been hired to declutter your client’s house. Using a variety of JavaScript array methods, you must organize emoji of the household objects you encounter. 80 levels take you through the house, from…
We’re thrilled to announce Nth Cart, our latest coding game all about the CSS selectors :nth-child() and :nth-last-child(). Haul frontendium minerals from deep in the mines. Use :nth-child() together with mathematical expressions to unload only the mine carts holding your precious cargo. Combine multiple selectors to match even more complex patterns. Learning to use :nth-child()…
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