Curriculum Guide
Below is the curriculum for an introductory web development course. It includes suggestions for how each game can be integrated, which may be helpful to teachers and students alike.
Codepip games work best as a complement to a traditional course. After being introduced to a new topic in your course, play our coding games to hone your skills and improve your intuition on that topic.
HTML: Structuring the web
HTML basics
Elements, tags, attributes, & valuesDoctype & metadataRoot, head, body, & titleNesting elementsSpecial charactersHTML comments -
Document structure
Divs & spansHeaders, nav, article, section, aside, & footer -
Text elements & formatting
Headings, paragraphs, em, & strong -
Multimedia & embedding
ImagesAudio & videoInline framesResponsive images -
Lists & tables
Relative and absolute pathsEmail linksOpening in new windowAnchor tags -
Input typesForm, fieldset, legend & labelPlaceholder -
Semantic markupAlt textTab indexARIA attributes
CSS: Styling the web
CSS basics
Selectors, declarations, properties, & valuesCascade & inheritanceSpecificity -
Color & background colorGradientsBackground images -
Font size, family, style, variant, & weightLine heightText decoration & transformLetter spacing -
Box model
DisplayWidth & heightMargin & paddingBorder & border radiusBox sizing -
Layout & positioning
PositionFloatFlexboxGridAnchor -
Transitions & animations
Media queries
JavaScript: Scripting the web
JavaScript basics
Variables & assignmentBooleans & comparisonsNumbers, operators, & mathArraysStringsRegular expressions -
Conditional statements
If/elseSwitchBreak & continueTernary operators -
For, while, do/while -
Arguments & return valuesDefault & rest parametersScopeFunctional programming -
Properties & methodsDestructuring assignmentsObject-oriented programmingPrototypes & inheritanceClasses & constructorsJSON -
Asynchronous JavaScript
Timeouts & intervalsPromisesAsync & await -
Browser APIs
DOM manipulationAJAX & fetchCanvasVideo & audio APIsClient-side storage -
Browser Developer Tools
InspectorConsoleDebuggerNetwork MonitorPerformance Tools
SQL: Managing data on the web
SQL basics
Relational databasesData types -
SQL queries
Selecting tables and columnsOrder and limitComparison and logical operatorsAggregate functionsSubqueriesJoining tablesUnions and intersections -
Data manipulation
Inserting and removing rowsUpdating values -
Schema design
Creating tablesModifying and removing tablesConstraintsIndexes